Seller name : TAAKK Co., Ltd.

Address <br data-mce-fragment="1">3-21-9 Takaban, Meguro-ku, Tokyo

Person in charge : Representative Director Takuya Morikawa

Sales price <br data-mce-fragment="1">In addition to the product price displayed on each product detail page, we will charge you the necessary fees such as consumption tax, shipping fee, and cash on delivery fee.

Payment methods <br data-mce-fragment="1">You can pay by credit card or cash on delivery.

Delivery time of the product
Please check the SHIPPING POLICY page.

Cancellations, returns and exchanges
Please check the RETURN POLICY page.

Sales quantity and other special sales conditions <br data-mce-fragment="1">If the product is out of stock, this may be indicated.
Other sales terms may be displayed on the screen.

Contact Us
TEL: 03-4361-0269
*Please contact us with the required information.

Inquiry reception hours : 10:00-17:00 (excluding weekends, national holidays, New Year's holidays, and summer holidays)
For inquiries by email, it may take some time to respond if the inquiry is made on a Saturday, Sunday, public holiday, or during the summer holidays.


3-21-9 Takaban, Meguro-ku, Tokyo

Person in Charge
Representative Director Takuya Morikawa

Sales Price
Displayed on each product detail page
Charges other than the product price
Consumption tax, shipping fee, and COD (cash on delivery) fee will be charged.

Payment Methods
Credit cards and COD are accepted.

Product Delivery Time
Please refer to the SHIPPING POLICY page.

Cancellations, Returns, and Exchanges
Please refer to the RETURN POLICY page.

Sales quantity and other special sales conditions
If a product is out of stock, a notice may be displayed to that effect.
Other sales conditions may be displayed on the screen.

TEL: +81-3-4361-0269
Please contact us with the prescribed information.

Inquiries are accepted during the following hours
Inquiries 10:00-17:00 (Japan time) (except Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, year-end and New Year holidays, and summer holidays)
Please note that we may take time to respond to inquiries by e-mail on Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, and summer holidays.