株式会社ターク(以下「当社」といいます。)は、当社のtaakk official store運営にあたり、個人情報の保護に関する法律(以下「個人情報保護法」といいます。)及びこのプライバシーポリシー(以下「本プライバシーポリシー」といいます。)を遵守のうえ、以下「本サイト」といいます。)を利用されるお客様の個人情報の取り扱いをいたします。本プライバシーポリシーは、お客様が本サイトを利用されるにあたりお客様から当社が収集した情報の使用、管理及び保護についての方針を記述したものです。
1. 適正な取得
2. 個人情報の利用目的
• 広告・宣伝・販売促進活動(電子メールやダイレクトメール等により、製品やサービス、各種イベントのご案内を差し上げることがあります。)
• 当社ウェブサイトの運営上必要な事項の通知(電子メールやダイレクトメール等によるものとします。)
• 商品の梱包・発送業務
• 商品の代金決済
• 各種問い合わせ、アフターサービスなどのお客様サポート
• アンケートの実施
• マーケティングデータの分析
• 当社の商品・サービスに関する利用状況、利用環境を含む、お客様満足度調査のため
• 契約や法律等に基づく権利の行使や義務の履行
• その他上記の利用目的に付随する目的
3. 個人情報の第三者への提供
4. 個人情報の委託
5. 個人情報の開示・訂正等
当社では、ご本人が自らの個人情報の開示、訂正、追加または削除(以下「開示・訂正等」といいます。)を求められた場合、ご本人であることを確認したうえで、法令の規定に基づき、すみやかに対応します。開示・訂正等をご希望のお客様は CONTACT よりご連絡下さい。開示・訂正等の請求は、ご本人様及び代理人様(ご本人様から委任された方、親権者など法定代理人)のみが出来ることといたします。開示・訂正等の請求がなされた場合、当社ですみやかに必要な調査を行なったうえで、その結果に基づき当該個人情報の開示・訂正等を行います。
6. クッキー(COOKIE)について
7. プライバシーポリシーの変更
8. お問い合わせへの対応
個人情報に関するお客様からのお問い合わせ、ご意見、苦情に対し迅速かつ適切に対応致します。 本サイト CONTACT よりご連絡下さい。
Privacy Policy
The store(or “we”, “us”, or “our”, as the case may be) recognizes the importance of your personal information, and complies with the Act Concerning Protection of Personal Information (hereinafter referred to as “Act”) and properly treats and protects your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as “Policy”).
1. Definition of personal information
As used in this Policy, “personal information” shall mean personal information defined pursuant to Article 2.1 of the Act, meaning information pertinent to existing individual, which can personally identify a specified individual by its name, birth date, or other description contained in such information (including those which can easily collate other information to personally identify a specified individual), or those containing personal identification code.
2. Purpose of personal information
The store shall use your personal information to:
• (1) provide our services;
• (2) give guidance and respond to inquiries in connection with our services;
• (3) give guidance relating to our goods and services;
• (4) cope with a violation of our rules and regulations or the terms and conditions, or polices (hereinafter referred to as “Rules”) in connection with our services;
• (5) notify you of any change in Rules relating to our services;
• (6) facilitate improvement of our services and development of new services;
• (7) generate data processed for statistical purposes and made anonymous, which cannot be personally identifiable in connection with our services; and
• (8) accomplish purposes incidental to purposes as set forth above.
3. Change of purposes of use of personal information
The store reserves the right to change the purposes of use of personal information for as long as it will continue to remain relevant, and notify you of, or make it public such change.
4. Restriction on use of personal information
Unless otherwise permitted by the Act and other relevant applicable laws and regulations, we shall not use your personal information except as required to accomplish the purposes of use without your consent, unless:
• (1) required by the applicable laws and regulations;
• (2) it is necessary to protect a person’s life, body, or property, and it is difficult to obtain your consent;
• (3) it is particularly necessary to improve public health and facilitate sound education for children, and it is difficult to obtain your consent; or
• (4) it is necessary for us to cooperate with state or local government or its agency in carrying out their statutory duties and functions, and it is detrimental to carry out of them if your consent needs to be obtained.
5. Proper collection of personal information
We shall collect personal information, and shall not collect personal information by false or otherwise illicit means.
6. Security of personal information
The store shall carry out necessary and proper supervision over its employees, in order to secure your personal information against risk of loss, destruction, alteration, and leaking of your personal information. If we subcontract, wholly or partially, treatment of your personal information, we shall carry out necessary and proper supervision over a subcontractor.
7. Provision to third parties
Unless otherwise permitted by the Act and other relevant applicable laws and regulations, we shall not provide to third parties your personal information without your prior consent, except for cases where:
• (1) we provide personal information as a result of subcontracting, wholly or partially, treatment of your personal information to the extent necessary to accomplish the purposes of use of personal information;
• (2) your personal information is provided by way of merger or amalgamation, or other events of business transfer; and
• (3) your personal information is shared with third parties in accordance with the Act.
8. Disclosure of personal information
If we are required by you to disclose your personal information pursuant to the Act, we shall promptly disclose it to you, after identifying that such request has been submitted by you (if such information does not exist, we shall notify to that effect.), unless otherwise we are not obligated to do so under the Act or other relevant laws and regulations.
9. Correction of personal information
If we are required by you to make a correction, addition, or deletion (hereinafter referred to as “Correction”) of your personal information by reason that such information is untrue, we shall promptly carry out investigations to the extent necessary to accomplish the purposes of use thereof after identifying that such request has been submitted by you, and make a Correction based on the results thereof, and you shall be notified thereof (or we shall notify you if we shall not make any Correction), unless otherwise we are not obligated to do so under the Act or other relevant laws and regulations.
10. Suspension of use of your personal information
If we are required by to you to suspend use of or delete (hereinafter referred to as “Suspend”) your personal information by reason that such information is treated for any purpose other than those which are made public, or is obtained or collected by false or otherwise illicit means, and we found that such request is reasonably acceptable, we shall promptly Suspend use of your personal information after identifying that such request has been submitted by you, you shall be notified thereof, unless otherwise we are not obligated to do so under the Act or other relevant laws and regulations.
11. Use of Cookie or other technologies
Cookie or other similar technologies may be used for our services. These technologies shall be useful to grasp the status of how our services are used to make them better. If you do not want the benefits of Cookies, you may be able to opt-out by changing the configuration of your web browser, in which case you may not be able to use any part of our services.
12. Inquiries
If you have request for disclosure, opinion, question, complaint, or other inquiries about treatment of your personal information, please inform us at our Information Desk as specified in “Notation Based on the Specified Commercial Transaction Act” herein or make an inquiry by filling up an Inquiry Form contained in our store page.
13. Continuous efforts
We shall review the status of operation how your personal information is being treated on a regular basis, and use our best efforts to make them better, and modify this Privacy Policy from time to time.